The main activities of "ELECTROENERGOPROEKT"LTD cover the following areas:
Studies and investigations in the field of development of the Electric Power System
- Perspective Investigations
- Energy Studies
- High Voltage Networks
- Electrical Systems
- Generation capacities
- Feasibility Studies
- Short Circuits Currents
- Flow distribution of the capacities
- Reactive Power Compensation
- Others
Preliminary design Investigations Detailed Designs and Executive Drawings for Substations and Switchgears
- Preliminary design projects and working projects for substations and electrical power lines
- Lay out solutions for switchyards up to 750 kV
- Lay out solutions for switchgears up to 110 kV
- Primary Commutation Projects
- Secondary Commutation Projects
- Relay Protection and Substation Automation Projects
- Automated systems for managing substations with PC and controllers
- Lightning Protection and Earthing Installations of Switchyards and Substations, including special solutions
- Switchgear-HV-MV (from 6 up to 400 kV) made with SF6, vacuum circuit MV breakers
- Oil Collecting Installations
- Fire Extinguish Installations
- Security Guard Equipment and Fire Alarm
- Technological Terms of References for Civil and Architectural part, Public Works. Roads etc
- Diesel - Generator Stations
- Annunciation Stations for Switchgears
- AC/DC House-load Switchgears
- Preparation and estimation of tender documents for building of substations
- Preparation and estimation of tender documents for all kinds of electrical equipment, relay protection, controllers and other
- Geodesical investigations of fields and linear objects
- Preparation of executive documentations and drawings
Renewable energy sources
- Studies for connection to the Grid 110-400 kV of Bulgaria
- Connection of plants, Wind Farms, Photovoltaic Plants and consumers of electricity to the Bulgarian HV Grid
- Research and design of Wind Farms
- Research and design of Photovoltaic Plants
- Civil Construction Part, Planning, Roads, Water supply and sewage
High Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines
- Overhead transmission Lines up to 750 kV
- Evaluation of condition of existing Transmission Power Lines and their refurbishment projects
- Design of Fiber Optic Cables for new Overhead Transmission Lines and replacement of lightning protection conductors by fiber optic cables of the existing Overhead Transmission Lines
- Researches, Design and Calculations of all kinds of elements of the Overhead Transmission Lines- conductors, lightning protection conductors, insulation, reinforcement parts, towers, fundaments etc
- Preparation and Assessment of Tender Documents for Delivery of all kinds of elements of Overhead Transmission Lines
- Consultancy and engineering services in the field of Overhead Transmission Lines
- Map-making and coordination of Overhead Transmission Lines.
Automation and Telemetry of the Energy System (АТЕS)
- SCADA systems of Energy Objects up to 750 кV
- HFC on OHL up to 750 кV
- Trouble Shouting Automation of the Energy System
- Network telecontrol of some regions of the energy system
- Fiber Optic Telecommunication Systems
- Telephone and Fiber Optic Cables
- Main and back up power supply systems of the Dispatching Centers and Energy Objects
- Technological Part of the Dispatching Centers for Power system control up to the level of NDC
- Terms of Reference for Civil and Architectural Part, Public works, electrical Part, Lighting of Dispatching Centers
- Radio Relay lines
- Ultrashort wave radio network for the needs of operation of Energy Objects
- Engineering services in the field of implementation of Automatic Dispatching Control Systems
- Preparation of Tender Documents for the delivery of Telecommunication and Data Transmission Devices
- Assessment of Tender Documents for the Delivery of Telecommunication and Data Transmission Devices.
Urban Electric Power Networks
- Design of Lay outs for the electric power supply of towns, residential districts, resorts and industrial zones
- Outside Electric Power Supply of Objects
- Design of Kiosk Switchgears
- Design of Substations without transformer
- Design of cable lines up to 110 kV
- Design of cable lines 10 kV and 20 kV
- Design of low voltage cable lines
Architectural and Civil Construction Part
- Design of all types and kinds of constructions for up to 400 kV switchyards
- Design of industrial, administrative and auxiliary buildings for the needs of substations and switchyards
- Design of steel portals up to 400 kV and reinforced concrete towers up to 20 kV
- Design of steel towers for overhead transmission lines
- Seismic Stability Calculations of existing buildings and design of support constructions
- Design of kiosk switchgears, piping networks and tunnels and 20 kV cable lines, low voltage and substations without transformers
Last Updated on Monday, 28 April 2014 12:39 |